Crasher is a unique Capture The Flag map made by Pont and myself.
Players become giants upon picking up their own team's flag, and must carry it to the enemy base to score.
Giants act as a sort of miniboss with asymmetric player combat inspired by Titanfall.
Valve added Crasher to TF2 in 2022.

Cauldron is a Halloween version of my King Of The Hill map "Bagel" that I made in 2017.
It features a number of unique gimmicks which randomly occur when the point is captured,
and an underworld created by UEAKCrash.
Valve added Cauldron to TF2 in 2018.

Bagel is a King of the Hill map I began in 2016, as part of a 72hr mapping jam, and have continued to work on until 2023.
It was designed for both casual and competitive audiences, and has been enjoyed by competitive leagues and community servers for several years.

Hades is a Greek Underworld themed Capture The Flag map I made with a team of other TF2 creators.
It features randomly-spawning potion amphorae and a courier-spooking flag mechanic.
I designed and built the amphora mechanic, created gameplay FX and audio, as well as serving as project lead and doing miscellaneous texture work.

Outflow is a 3cp Steel-inspired map I began in 2018, as part of a 72hr mapping jam, and finished in 2023 with help from a team.
It features a simplified layout compared to its inspirations, with the intent of providing the same strategic opportunities in an easier-to-understand design.